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Terms and Conditions for Prefabricated
Container Type Houses
Information The desired top and bottom counters are equipped with high- are exposed for envoirmental impacts and usually with a color
Prefabricated containers are combination of steel construc- gloss material and variable color preferences of cabinet doors code of RAL7012 and coated with sellulosic paint in which it’s
tion, designed for single or plural envoirment with seperated are done according to the standards of plan. Kitchen sinks are thicker than usual.
rooms and they are detached housings regardless of ground single-compartmented with droppers with size of upto 80 cm
connection which makes them as ‘prefabricated’ category re- in total. Upon request of oven slots, washing machine slots Steel footings
gardless of temporarly or permanent settlement of container. and others can be manufactured as built-in slots. The clean and waste water system is lined under the contain-
They are in-built with water and electricity equipments canon- er. Due this reason, the container is elevated from the ground
ically as well as including inlets and outlet.Walls that will be level by 15-30 cm to maintain air circulation. The footings of
used are internationally certificated and thermally insulated Sanitary Ware the container are weared with steel plates to avoid sinking and
and can be finalized with desired point of choice regardless They are connected to built-in system of the container with allows safe settlement. Regording to the weight of the house,
of ceiling floor, roofing will be clothed with ‘sandwich panel’. a Standard dimensions and including a WC. Shower cabinets there is no need of attaching the house to the concrete base
are also included with a dimention of 90x90 cm and elevated which will be casted in advance of transportation or before.
Structure 15 cm off the floor. All fountains are ball-beared and pressure For such places like concrete base application is impossible,
The skeleton structure is designed for combination of usage proof. portable 40x40 cm pre-made concrete flat blocks are also vi-
forces, lifting of structure and any other mixation of situations able for settelment. The only downside of this premade con-
where as they are done with RHS (Round Hollow Sections) Doors crete flat block application is that regular grass trimming is
classified as ST57- steel category which is ideal for such oc- The exterior doors are aluminium based designed for water required.
casions. The structure’s primary skeleton elements are estab- proof and equipped with strength-based materials. Inner
lished in our company then they proceed for lining process doors are panel covered and they are American pre-pressed
then for anti-rust painting process to be able to carry on to wooden doors painted with water based paint & door frames Connection of Pipings
next stage of ‘assembly area’ are wooden material. Fringes are covered with EPS-foam for The connections of drain pipes and kitchen outlets will be con- TANER YOLCU CONSTRUCTION LTD. / CONTEINER HOUSES PRODUCTION
finish view. nected to the existing or newly built of minimum 4 metres of
Floor Covering depth well. The connection will be done by firstly connected to
The base of structure is mesh designed to be able to install Aluminium Windows storm drain then to a well to maintain the flowstream active.
waterproof layer, topped with dual side laminated MDF (Me- To be able to maintain insulation, Windows are double glazed For ventilation of storm drain, we advise a 2 inch PvC-Pipe.
dium-Density Fiberbood) with a thickness of 18 mm. On top of with white aluminium frames. Exterior sliding doors are man- Electric Terminal Location
that 25 mm EPS (Expanded Polystren Foam) covered with mat- ted with locking systems allowing for extra entry to the com- Throught the cabin/container the electricity setup is done by
tress. Finally the top layer will bw choice of color of parquet. partment. WC Windows are manufactured as transom-open- regulations and legislations. The exterior plug for the contain-
ing type according to standards. er will travel among the bottom of the container and should
be connected accordingly. There will be no more extra requir-
Walls Flooring ment for electricity application.
The exterior facings of walls will be fibercemented and the in- The complete flooring of pre-fabricated house will involve the
ner facings will be 12,5 mm wall boards. The mid part of inte- desired choice of parquet including wet-sections of the com- Transportation
rior and exterior is EPS infused. The name of these prefabricat- partment as well as base boards are also included through out Prefabricated house transportation is one of the most crucial
ed walls are called ‘DUvAR PANELS’ as known as ‘Ready Wall the complete parquet installation. part in this process. It requires a proffesional service. The
Panels’ fully authentic and copyrighted to ‘Taner Yolcu Con- house will be lifted from top 4 corners unlike the bottom lift
struction Ltd’. They are designed for such more applications type and there will be 4 lifting lock locations on the corner of
and fully compatible with joinings fort his occasion. According Painting each side. These lockpoints have special locking equipment
to the customer’s desires the required inner walls involve wa- The joint linings of exterior wall faces which are fiber-cement even withstand lot bigger weight lift grips. Then these grips
ter-proof wallboards. boards are done with polyurethane mastic application in will be connected either to a crane or telescopic crane regard-
which it completes two different panel as one with a structural ing to size of the house. They will lift the house from ground
Roof strength of top grade. The surface of a fiber cement board is and position them on transportation vehicle whereas the foot-
The roof is desinged with down-ward slope for a water run- orange peel appearance and it has it’s own paint application ing will be on the sides of vehicle and Container unloading will
away and equipped with 40-50 mm sandwich panels for top- starting with a 4-layered base coat finalizing with silicon based be exactly vice versa of loading. To avoid damaging the cabi-
side insulations. There will be eaves at water runaway outlets & coarse sanded exterior paint. net, the unloading will be done steadily and done with 4 or 5
with minimum 20 cm. Sandwich panel installation is done ac- The inner walls including base of ceiling floors joint linings person so avoid line of sights of the operator. Upon touching
cordingly with the RHS- Skeleton structure. are filled and sandpapered then thin plaster application. Fi- the ground by all footings, locking system is removed and cov-
nally processed with sandpapering with fine grit to be able to ered by pre-fabricated metal sheets. The levelling will be done
Ceiling Floor maintain smoothness to proceed for painting. Upon reaching as soon as cabinet lands. The levelling will be done by lifting
The steel structure of ceiling starts at a point of where the for the final color of choice, a base coat of transparent liner one or two sides up/down slightly.
slope is at almost zero/null and with a height of 250 cm from usually color of white is applied. Due transportation reasons,
the floor of structure. The inner face of ceiling will be screwed the WC compartment is painted with liquid-membrare main- Final step is done by painters whereas during the transporta-
on and covered with wall boards. taining water transferrence to not infuse. tion process and unloading stage, any minor damage will be
The footings of the structure is base coated with premier lining fixed on delivery area and key locks of doors and slide doors
Kitchen Counters to be ready for the anti-corrosion paint applied twice due they are double checked. The establishment is complate. [email protected] +90 392 365 1981-2 5